Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Napping was Able to Cope with Stress and Problems

 Napping is a potent drug to cope with stress and problems. Really?
Kalina Christoff of the University of British Columbia, Canada says that with a nap will activate parts of the brain that serves to solve the problem.
In his study, Kalina and colleagues performed brain scans using fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanner to find out what happens in the brain when someone is taking a nap.
Researchers trying to trace any changes that occur in the brain and know that when someone is sleeping, there are parts that remain active. And proved when participants were given several tasks and questions, those who do take a nap to complete the task faster than those who did not nap.
Until now, researchers speculate that part of the brain that serves as an 'executive network' related to solving the problem will remain active even in sleep.
It was based on the results of scans using fMRI in which the 'network executive' experience the most significant increase in activity, especially in the daytime. But researchers do not yet know with certainty why the day is better than night.
The study, published in the Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences somewhat in contrast to previous studies which say that a lot of sleep could make the brain's ability to decrease.
But researchers trying to convince that a nap does not mean increasing sleep time, a significant amount of overall sleep in one day is still within reasonable limits, ie 6-7 hours a day for adults.
So if you're feeling a lot of problems, it never hurts nap.

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