Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Important Benefits Of Walking

Everyone would agree that walking is one of the most simple aerobic exercise and the safest thing we can do. Did you know?

Walk will help strengthen bones, control your weight, and condition your heart and lungs. Another simple exercise is jogging

Health experts equate sport sports walking with jogging, but the loading on the body better. When jogging our legs lifted off the ground at each step, which can force our body to absorb the impact magnitude 3 to 4.5 times our body weight. Instead, while walking, one foot always on the ground and when the foot lands, benturannya approximately 1.25 times our body weight. So the risk of injury to the foot smaller. Another difference, on foot gives the result of slower than jogging. To get good results takes longer.

Walking exercise regularly and consistently is one of the most important factor in shaping a healthy physical activity program. Research shows that people who walk approximately 20-25 miles per week outlive several years than those who do not.

  Here are some facts about walking:


1. Walk for 20 minutes every day will burn seven pounds of fat per year.
2. Walking longer each day for 40 minutes is the best way to lose weight.
3. Walk quickly from 20 to 25 minutes is the best condition for the heart and lungs.

Walking also provides the following benefits:

1. Improving the effectiveness of the heart and lungs
2. Burn fat in the body
3. Increase metabolism so the body burn calories faster, even though the middle of a break
4. Helps control appetite
5. Increase energy
6. Helps heal stress
7. Slows aging
8. Lowering cholesterol levels in blood
9. Lowering high blood levels
10. Helps control and prevent diabetes
11. Lose some risk of cancer such as prostate and breast cancer
12. Assist in the rehabilitation of heart attack and stroke
13. Strengthen the leg muscles, thigh and bone
14. Walking barefoot will strengthen the foot and your toes. It is also the best solution for a flat foot. It will be very good for the health of your feet. You should do this activity once a week. Nothing wrong with walking barefoot, so do not be ashamed to do so. You can go to a park in the morning and then walk with bare feet on grass for at least 15 minutes.

  15. The walk will also strengthen your legs and respiratory system.

16. The walk is one exercise that makes all parts of your body moving. When you try to run faster, this will increase your heart rate and provide physical fitness.

17. Strolling can help improve your posture when legs and your lower body moving. It also helps strengthen the legs and lower body and makes joints more flexible.

18. When on foot, all parts of your body and you move more quickly out of energy. This will help you burn fat and lose weight. The walk also helps you control your weight in the long term.

19. Walking also helps reduce the risk of heart attack, improve the function of the respiratory system, help fight hypertension and as a rehabilitation therapy for those who have suffered a heart attack. Walking is also effective in preventing respiratory disease.

20. Walking is one activity that does not require you to join a gym or buy expensive fitness equipment. You can walk away at any time and it's up to you how long to do it.

Walking is much more favored in the appeal running or jogging because walking reduces stress on the body including the thigh, knee and ankle. Remember to always warm up first after walking.

Here are TIPS to make healthy walking:

Wear shoes that fit a little loose at the front for the anticipated widening of the foot while walking done so avoid the pain.

The frequency of good to walk at least 3 times a week (not on consecutive days), but even better if you do exercise 4 -5 times a week. Our speed had to be an intense practice, the aim to achieve the exercise zone, ie when your pulse rate reached 60-80 percent meksimum pulse rate (220 minus age in years). The average speed required a bit faster than 6 km per hour. Most of us walking with a speed of 4 km per hour. Keep your speed up a bit to make it more useful to get an adequate aerobic value.

Exercises walk you should do at least 20 minutes in zone training. But the longer you practice, the results are of course much better.

In order to exercise can be done safely, do not forget you should start by warming, followed by core training ends with cooling (cooling down).

In the street you should warm up slowly for about 3-5 minutes. The goal is to help loosen the body stiffness by increasing blood flow to muscles, increases heart rate gradually until it reaches the zone of exercise and reducing barriers to the heart. In the early minutes of walking you need to give time to prepare mentally.

Then do not forget, to do light stretches for several minutes. Stretching is more effective when the muscles have been hot. Stretching is done slowly, without mantul-mantul.

During stretching you should breathe regularly. Stretching is done until the muscle feels attracted, but not sick. If it feels uncomfortable, you should immediately stop stretching.

After you stretch, you immediately go into core exercises, ie walking speed alatihan zone. After a long workout in the zone we take enough exercise, you conclude the exercise with cooling.

Way, way slowly and stretch before exercise, stretching as the core of about 10 minutes. Refrigeration will help you to not collect blood in the legs and to avoid the debris and abnormal heart rhythms. In addition, also to keep the muscles do not become rigid which can cause pain

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